subject Smokers are more subject to heart attacks than non-smokers. The football match may be put off subject to the weather. Peter always subjects his wife to his will. subject在教材中的意思为学科;科目,作可数名词用。 上面...
subject Smokers are more subject to heart attacks than non-smokers. The football match may be put off subject to the weather. Peter always subjects his wife to his will. subject在教材中的意思为学科;科目,作可数名词用。 上面...
rich Do you like rich foods? Her new coat is in rich red. rich在教材中的意思为富有的;富饶的,作形容词用。 上面句子中的两个rich也作形容词用,但是意思分别为油腻的和(颜色)浓艳的。 第一句可译为...
rush The children rushed out of school. 此句中rush用作不及物动词,意为冲,奔跑,闯,这是rush的常用法。rush还有其它用法。如: ①Dont rush me this needs thinking about. (rush用作及物动词,意为使某人仓促行...
rush The children rushed out of school. 此句中rush用作不及物动词,意为冲,奔跑,闯,这是rush的常用法。rush还有其它用法。如: ①Dont rush me this needs thinking about. (rush用作及物动词,意为使某人仓促行...
stand She was too weak to stand. (stand用作动词,意思为站立;站着,是教材中的第一种用法。) I cant stand him interrupting all the time. (stand用作动词,意思为忍受,是教材中的第二种用法。) 除了上面的常...
rich Do you like rich foods? Her new coat is in rich red. rich在教材中的意思为富有的;富饶的,作形容词用。 上面句子中的两个rich也作形容词用,但是意思分别为油腻的和(颜色)浓艳的。 第一句可译为...
room It is important to give children room to think for themselves. She roomed with Mary in college for two years. room在教材中作可数名词用时,意思为房间;作不可数名词用时,意思为空间。 上面两个句子中,第一个...
mind Would you mind helping me? 此句中mind用作动词,意为介意,注意,这是mind的常用法之一。 He has a mind for science. 此句中mind用作名词,意为头脑,思维,这是mind的常用法之二。 mind除了以上用法外...
pull Pull your chair near the table. 此句中pull用作及物动词,意为拉,拖,这是pull的常用法。pull还有其它用法。如: ① The tides(潮汐) depend on the pull of the moon. (pull用作名词,意为拉力,引力,磁力。)...