英文原文: Top 10 Worst Things a Teacher Can Do By Melissa Kelly Here is a list of items that you should avoid as a new or veteran teacher. I have only included serious items in my list and have left off such obvious offenses as having affairs with students. However, any of these can create problems for you as a teacher and if you combine two or more than just expect to really have a hard time gaining student respect and finding your profession enjoyable. 1. Avoid smiling and being friendly with your students. While you should start each year with a tough stance and the idea that it is easier to let up than to get harder, this does not mean that you shouldn’t have students believe that you aren’t happy to be there. 2. Becoming friends with students while they are in class. You should be friendly but not become friends. Friendship implies give and take. This can put you in a tough situation with all the students in the class. Teaching is not a popularity contest and you are not just one of the guys or girls. Always remember that. 3. Stop your lessons and confront students for minor infractions in class When you confront students over minor infractions in class, there is no possible way to create a win-win situation. The offending student will have no way out and this can lead to even greater problems. It is much better to pull them aside and talk to them one-on-one. 4. Humiliate students to try and get them to behave. Humiliation is a terrible technique to use as a teacher. Students will either be so cowed that they will never feel confident in your classroom, so hurt that they will not trust you ever again, or so upset that they can turn to disruptive methods of retaliation. 5. Yell. Once you've yelled you've lost the battle. This doesn't mean you won't have to raise your voice every once in awhile but teachers who yell all the time are often those with the worst classes. 6. Give your control over to the students. Any decisions that are made in class should be made by you for good reasons. Just because students are trying to get out of a quiz or test does not mean that you should allow that to happen unless there is a good and viable reason. You can easily become a doormat if you give in to all demands. 7. Treat students differently based on personal likes and dislikes. Face it. You are human and there will be kids you will like more than others. However, you must try your hardest never to let this show in class. Call on all students equally. Do not lessen punishments for students you really like. 8. Create rules that are essentially unfair. Sometimes the rules themselves can put you in bad situations. For example, if a teacher has a rule that allows for no work to be turned in after the bell rings then this could set up a difficult situation. What if a student has a valid excuse? What makes a valid excuse? These are situations it would be best to just avoid. 9. Gossip and complain about other teachers. There will be days when you hear things from students about other teachers that you just think are terrible. However, you should be noncommittal to the students and take your concerns to the teacher themselves or to administration. What you say to your students is not private and will be shared. 10. Be inconsistent with grading and/or accepting late work. Make sure that you have consistent rules on this. Do not allow students to turn in late work for full points at any time because this takes away the incentive to turn in work on time. Further, use rubrics when you are grading assignments that require subjectivity. This helps protect you and explain the reason for the students' grades. 译文: 这里列出了无论是新教师还是经验丰富的教师都应该避免发生的事情。我只是列出了一些严重的问题,而没有涉及一些明显的冒犯学生的问题。但是,作为一名教师,这些问题中的任何一个都会带来麻烦,如果你做了其中的两个或更多的事情,你就很难赢得学生的尊重,进行舒适的教学。 1.不对学生微笑和友好 每年开学你会很辛苦,虽然抱着变得放松总比变得更艰苦来得更容易的想法,但是这并不意味着你需要让学生相信你很快乐。 2.在班里与学生称朋友 你需要对学生友好,但不代表你要和学生成为朋友。友谊意味着付出和获得,这样会将你在全班学生面前陷入困难的境地。教学不是普通的竞争,你也不是男生女生中的一员。要永远记住这一点。 3.课堂上停下教学,将违反纪律的学生当作反面教材 在课堂上将违反纪律的学生当作其他学生的反面教材不可能获得双赢的结果,这会让违反纪律的学生下不了台,甚至引发更加严重的问题。最好在其它地方对他们进行一对一的谈话。 4.为了试图让学生行为得当而侮辱他们 作为一名教师,使用侮辱是一件很可怕的事情。学生会被吓到,以至于在你的课堂上感到不自在,因为受到伤害从此再也不会信任你,或者对你的行为感到烦躁,利用打断课堂来报复你。 5.对学生大叫 一旦你对学生大叫,你就已经输了。这并不意味着你一次也不能提高你的嗓门,但是,一个总是对学生大叫的教师常常是课堂情况最糟糕的教师。 6.放弃对学生的管理 你在课堂上做的任何决定都要有充分的理由。不能仅仅因为学生不想参加测验或考试,你就允许他们不参加测验或考试,除非他们有充分而实际的理由。如果你屈服于所有的要求,你就很容易成为受气包。 7.依据个人喜好区别对待学生 直面这个问题吧,你是一个人,肯定会喜欢某些学生比喜欢其他学生更多些。但是,你必须努力不要在课堂上表现出来。公平地让所有学生都回答问题,不要减轻对你特别喜欢的学生的惩罚。 8.制定非常不公的纪律 有时,一些纪律本身就能把你置于困难的境地。例如,如果一个教师规定不许在上课铃响后上交作业,那么,这就会造成麻烦。如果学生确实有充分的理由呢?有充分的理由会怎么样?这是最应该避免的情况。 9.散布其他教师的谣言,抱怨其他教师 有时候,你会从学生那里听到你认为很可怕的、关于其他教师的事情,但是,你对学生的话要不置可否,只要关心那个教师本人或管理就行了。你对学生所说的话不会是“天知地知你知我知”的,肯定会被他人知道。 10.评分标准不稳定或接受迟交的作业 确保你在评分方面有一贯执之的规则。不要任何时候都允许学生迟交作业并且给满分,因为这样是纵容学生不按时交作业。而且,当批改主观性作业时要有评分说明,这可以帮助你向学生解释评分原因。 (责任编辑:admin) |