get into 和get out of一定是你很熟悉的短语,但你知道它们的准确意思吗? get into 1. 进入某种状态,陷入某种境地 He got into trouble with the police while he was still at school. 他还在上学时,就惹事生非与警方纠缠了。 2. 使进入某种状态,使陷入某种境地 Try not to get your father into a temper tonight. 今晚别惹你爸爸发脾气。 get out of 1. 从……中得到 Don’t imagine you are going to get a huge profit out of this deal. 别幻想你能从这笔生意中得到一大笔利润。 2. 逃避或避免做某事 It is too bad that some rich people always try to get out of paying taxes. 有些有钱人,总是逃避纳税,真是太糟糕了。 3. 改掉习惯或不再做某事 If only you could get out of the habit of smoking, you would soon feel better. 你要是改掉抽烟的习惯,你很快就会感觉舒服多了。 正确理解并翻译下列句子 ①How on earth did Sally get herself into such a ridiculous situation? ②There is nothing to be got out of this book; it’s years out of date. ③Her son is an expert at getting out of hard work. ④It’s easier to get into debt than to get out of it again. ⑤I wish I could get out of going that meeting. Key: ①萨利到底是怎样身陷这般荒唐境地的呢? ②这本书没什么可看的, 它早就过时了。 ③她的儿子是逃避干重活的行家。 ④借债容易,还债难。 ⑤但愿我能不去参加那个会议 (责任编辑:admin) |