


http://www.newdu.com 2018-11-25 中考网 佚名 参加讨论

    1.    Hurling insults and threats is certainly not fighting.  2. It simply will not do!
    3.  We must not become complacent over any success.
    4.  We absolutely must not relax our will.  5. The nature of wolves will never change.
    6.  Without the Communist Party I should assuredly not be what I am today.
    句型33[主语+be+ the last+名词+不定式…/从句]
    1.    For it was Oliver, his cruel brother-the last person Orlando would have expected to find there.
    2.    He is the last person to do such a thing.  3. This is the last place where I expected to have met you.
    4.  Breach of promise is the last thing that he is likely to commit.
    1.    At no time and under no circumstances will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.
    2.    Young people should on no account (=should not on any account) neglect their daily physical exercise.
    3.    We have ideals, but we are by no means visionaries.  4. He will in no wise give up study.
    [注] 其他加强否定的方式:1. […be anything but…] (决不是) He is anything but a scholar.
    2. [(There is) no+ V-ing] (决不可) There is no denying the fact. = It is absolutely impermissible to deny the fact. 因此语意比下句强,"It is impossible to deny the fact."
    1.    We must never for a moment divorce ourselves from the masses.
    2.    The mother did not have a wink of sleep the whole night on account of the child's high fever.
    3.    He did not breathe a single word about it.
    4.    Though I have walked twenty miles, I am not a bit tired.
    5.    The little boy is do full of energy that he refused to stay put for any length of time.
    [注] 表示微量词的词组中以 in the least为最常见,不少的微量词可用它代替。如:
    I am not in the least tired.  I was not surprised in the least.  That boy was not in the least afraid of the snake.
    1.    There will be no difficulty in the world which they cannot overcome.
    2.    The doctor was writing a book, but it went on so slowly that it would not be finished within a thousand years.
    3.    "Don't you dance?"-"I'm the world's worst dancer."
    4.    He was not at all confused.  5. It is of no value at all.
    6.  This is a historical trend no force on earth can hold back.
    [附注1] 与汉语中的否定式相对应的英语不一定要用否定式。如:"很不好",不能译成英语的"very not good", 应换一种说法, "This is very bad.", "It is not good at all." 汉语"这事我一点也不知道"可译作 "I am quite in the dark about the matter."或 "About this I knew nothing." 汉语"我很不喜欢喝酒。"可译作为 "I dislike wine very much."或 "I am not a bit interested in wine./I don't like wine at all./I am the last person to like wine.
    其次要注意分析。汉语"一窍不通",是缩小否定数量的说法,最好译成 "be utterly ignorant"或 "not know the ABC of…/know nothing of… 又如"世界上一切事物无不具有两重性",这里有几个强调的词语:"世界上","一切事物","无不"。"一切事物"不能用all/all things, 因此只能用缩小量的说法。 "There is not a single thing in the world without a dual nature."
    [附注2] 一般说来,只要需要,所有的肯定句都可以改为否定句,但一定要依照前面所介绍的各种句型的要求。此外,还应考虑以下几点:
    1)    逻辑上说不过去的不能改为否定句。Where is Mary? 不能改为 where isn't Mary?
    2)    句型要求不能用否定式的。How hard-working he is! 不能改为 how hard-working he isn't!
    3)    除句型28中列举的一些强调词语有分工外,以下词语只用于肯定句,否定句应采用括号中相对应的异根同义词。Some (not…any); too (not…either); so (neither, no more); a long way (not…far); a lot of/plenty of/a great deal of/a good deal of… (not…much of); as…as (not so…as); already still (not yet/ not any more/no more/ no longer…)
    1.    I have got some. → I haven't got any.  2. I see a great deal of him. → I didn't see much of him.
    3.   We went a long way.  → We didn't go far.  4. I will do so still. → I'll not do so any more.
    4)  注意may, must, need, can (could) 在肯定句与否定句中的含义变化,对应关系也会出现交错现象。
    A. 表示许可用may (口语中常用can); 表示禁止通常用must not, 有时也用may not 语气较委婉。
    "May (Can) I smoke here?" - "Yes, you may (can)." 或"No, you must not." 或 "You may not smoke here."
    B. 表示责任、义务或必要时用must, 否定式只能用need not
    "Must we hand in our homework today?" - "Yes, you must. No, you needn't."
    C. 表示推测指"可能"时,用must; 指"不可能","不一定"时用cannot/could not, 有时也用may not, 口气较委婉,意为"也许不"。  That must be a mistake.  No, it cannot be a mistake.   It must not be a mistake
    D. 表示推测也常用may,指"可能";否定式同上。  He may be right/ He cannot be right. He may not be right.