中考英语复习:作文句型 Every year when the grades of the college entrance examination come out , some will feel satisfied while others will feel very dissappointed. Only those who have studied in college have the right to assert whose world it is four years later. Diploma is just like a train ticket, entering a key university means you have got a soft sleeper and an ordinary university means a hard sleeper, a technical school means hard seat and private school diploma means no seat and if you graduate from adult education, it means yiu have to stay in the restroom when there is no seat. after fours years, everyone will reachyhe destination. the boss won\'t care how you come here, they just care what you can do for.them just as Bill Gates says people who take the first class won\'t arrive at the destination faster than those who take economy class .so don\'t be so strict with your kid. standinh all thr way is anothet kind of experience! 每年高考出分的时候,哭一批笑一批,只有上过大学的才知道,四年后的风骚,谁的天下,都别说得太早。其实文凭不过是一张火车票,清华的软卧,本科的硬卧,专科的硬座,民办的站票,成教的在厕所挤着。火车到站,都下车找工作,才发现老板并不太关心你是怎么来的,只关心你会干什么。突然想起比尔盖茨的话,难道坐头等舱会比坐经济舱先到达目的地吗?所以不要对孩子提出过于苛刻的要求,站一路也是一种历练。 相关推荐:中考英语:作文句型训练 点击查看更多信息 (责任编辑:admin) |