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  • 2012中考英语指导:完形填空经常用到的短语 日期:2018-11-23 14:46:15 点击:187 好评:0

    英语指导:完形填空经常用到的短语(1) 英语指导:完形填空经常用到的短语(2) 英语指导:完形填空经常用到的短语(3) 英语指导:完形填空经常用到的短语(4) 英语指导:完...

  • 英语完形填空的五个注意点 日期:2018-11-23 14:46:15 点击:93 好评:0

    1、完形填空的短文通常没有标题且文章的首句和尾句,一般不设空,要特别注重对首、尾句的理解,因为它们往往提示或点明文章的主题,对理解全文有较大帮助。 2、第一遍通读带有...

  • 2012中考英语完形填空预测训练题12(含答案解析) 日期:2018-11-23 14:46:11 点击:190 好评:0

    【预测训练题12】 For several years, Americans have enjoyed teleshopping-watching TV and buying things by phone. Now teleshopping is starting in Europe. In some __1__ countries, people can turn on their __2__ and shop for clothes,...

  • 2012中考英语完形填空预测训练题13(含答案解析) 日期:2018-11-23 14:46:11 点击:82 好评:0

    【预测训练题13】 Last Friday, after doing all the family shopping in the town. I wanted to have a rest before catching the rain. I __1__ a newspaper and some chocolate and __2__ into the station coffee shop. It was a cheap self-ser...

  • 2012中考英语完形填空预测训练题11(含答案解析) 日期:2018-11-23 14:46:10 点击:199 好评:0

    【预测训练题11】 Tom grows the nicest vegetables and fruits and the most beautiful flowers in the village. Plants grow in Toms garden all through the __1__ and they are much __2__。 Tom cuts some flowers for his sitting room table,...

  • 2012中考英语完形填空预测训练题9(含答案解析) 日期:2018-11-23 14:46:09 点击:132 好评:0

    【预测训练题9】 Who designed (设计) the first helicopter (直升飞机)? Who __1__ of the most famous pictures in the world? Who knew more about the human body than most __2__? There is an answer __3__ all these questions --- Leo...

  • 2012中考英语完形填空预测训练题10(含答案解析) 日期:2018-11-23 14:46:09 点击:143 好评:0

    【预测训练题10】 Nasreddin was a poor man, so he tried to grow __1__ he could in his own garden, so that he would not have to buy so many in the market。 One evening he heard a noise in his garden and looked out of the window. A...

  • 2012中考英语完形填空预测训练题7(含答案解析) 日期:2018-11-23 14:46:08 点击:67 好评:0

    【预测训练题7】 Farley worked for the Canadian government. One day, he was __1__ to learn more about wolves. Do wolves kill lots of caribou(北美驯鹿)? Do they kill people? They gave him lots of food and clothes and guns. Then...

  • 2012中考英语完形填空预测训练题8(含答案解析) 日期:2018-11-23 14:46:08 点击:177 好评:0

    【预测训练题8】 Someone says, Time is money。 But I think time is __1__ important than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can get it back. However, when time is 2 itll never 3 。 Thats 4 we mustnt waste time。 It go...

  • 2012中考英语完形填空预测训练题6(含答案解析) 日期:2018-11-23 14:46:07 点击:103 好评:0

    【预测训练题6】 Why do I want to go to college? No one has ever asked me __1 _ a question. But many times I have asked myself. I have __2__ a whole variety of reasons. __3__ important reason is that I want to be a better man。 Many...
