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  • 中考英语作文:Found 日期:2018-11-23 12:14:35 点击:111 好评:0

    假定你是初三(1)班的李霞,你五月十四日晚上在阅览室里丢失了一个绿色书包,内有两本英语书,一个铅笔盒,一个MP3及自行车钥匙。你非常着急。你根据以上提示,用英语写一则5 O词...

  • 中考英语作文:Chinese Meals 日期:2018-11-23 12:14:34 点击:117 好评:0

    In China, people usually have three meal a day, they are breakfast, lunch and supper. People usually have breakfast from seven to nine in the morning. There are many kind of food for them to eat, such as nuddles, eggs, fried dou...

  • 中考英语作文:The letter for teacher 日期:2018-11-23 12:14:34 点击:89 好评:0

    假定你叫王丽,三年的初中学习生活即将结束.你能用英语写出几句对老师表达感谢和祝福的话语吗? 要求:1.不少于四句;2.不要使用真实姓名、校名、地名等,否则不得分。Dear Miss...

  • 中考英语作文:The Heavy Homework 日期:2018-11-23 12:14:33 点击:92 好评:0

    Many years ago, when students went home after school, they had less time to play, because the teachers gave them a lot of homework. I remembered at that time, my sister worked so hard to finish the homework, she wrote it quickly w...

  • 中考英语作文: Visiting My Friend 日期:2018-11-23 12:14:32 点击:65 好评:0

    We couldn t believe that it was a village. The buildings for the farmers were very beautiful, the streets were very clean and there were many flowers in front of the houses. In the middle of the village there was a school with a wonderful...

  • 中考英语作文:Wonderful life in winter holiday 日期:2018-11-23 12:14:32 点击:121 好评:0

    From the sixteenth of January to the seventh of February is our Winter Holiday. I think everybody did a lot of things in the Winter Holiday. But I didnt. Let you to listen to my story of Winter Holiday. I spend a lot of time on the homework...

  • 中考英语作文:A rainy day_800字 日期:2018-11-23 12:14:31 点击:111 好评:0

    This morning, I woke up with a start: my clock was alarming. Unwillingly opened my eyes, I found it was 6:30 already.Nevertheless, the room was very gloomy, for it was raining outside. What a cold day! How comfortable it would...

  • 中考英语作文:Spring in Our School_750字 日期:2018-11-23 12:14:31 点击:141 好评:0

    Spring comes at last. Everything begins to grow. The trees turn green, and the flowers come out. On the playground, in the fields, on each side of the road, the young grass grows everywhere. Spring also arrives in our school. Come a...

  • 中考英语作文:My Perfect Day_1200字 日期:2018-11-23 12:14:30 点击:75 好评:0

    First, I would have breakfast with Queen Elizabeth II in Buckingham Palace. 首先,我在白金汉宫和英国女王伊丽莎白二世吃早餐。 Then I would go to the moon with Heller Borry in my own plane. On the moon I would take p...

  • 20句值得珍藏的英语名言 日期:2018-11-23 12:10:07 点击:184 好评:0

    1、To be both a speaker of words and a doer of deeds. 既当演说家,又做实干家。 2、Variety is the spice of life. 变化是生活的调味品。 3、Bad times make a good man. 艰难困苦出能人。 4、There is no royal road...
