一些人喜欢看他人失败,这些人引起了你的注意,你只是吸收了他们消极的一面。无论什么时候你花时间去担心他们怎么想,你都是在浪费时间,最好的还是利用这个时间来提高你的英语。 7. If you are fluent, or just think you are, DON’T GET COCKY (ARROGANT) 7. 如果你的口语很流利或是你这样觉得,不要骄傲 “Life (English) is a Journey Not a Destination.” This part was written by Justin. “生活(学英语)就像是一场旅行,不必在乎目的地。”—贾斯丁 English is not a chip in your brain. It’s a learning process. Maybe this is gonna seem harsh, and definitely a bit paradoxical, but for the rare English Jedi breed, they realize that there’s never really perfect fluency, only the impassioned and ever-approaching journey toward it. 英语并不是大脑中的芯片。而是一个学习过程。也许这看起来很难,甚至有点似是而非,但对于少数真正享受学习英语的人来说,永远没有完美的流利,只有努力无限向它靠近的学习旅程。 This means that when you finally become fluent, (whatever that really means to you or to the world), you shouldn’t adopt the attitude of somebody who thinks “I already learned English” because there are some fundamental problems and limitations that come from this assumption. Here are just a few: 这意味着当你最终能流利地讲英语的时候,无论这对你或世界有什么意义,你都不应该像某些人一样,认为“我已经完全掌握了英语”,因为这种假设显然会带来一些原则问题和限制。下面有几条: You’re living a lie because you never stop learning a language. It is like calling yourself a fully-realized human being. There’s always the next level up, and the current level always needs practice. 你活在谎言中,因为你不可能停止学习语言。这就像称自己是无所不知的人类一样。总会有更高的水平,而你目前的水平也是需要不断练习的。 The learner tends to get lazy, and it’s a universal fact about any learning process, that if you aren’t growing, you are probably getting worse. 学习者往往会变懒,而且这在学习进程中有一条普遍定律:如果你没有进步,你很可能是在退步。 The inflated ego prevents you from recognizing the final 5 or 10% that separates you from the master jedi breed of English speakers. 自负会让你无法学习到那5%或10%能让你成为英语大师的知识。 There is a tendency to treat other English learners (or people who are learning their language) in a condescending, totally idiotic way, forgetting what it is like to learn because they themselves are no longer connected to their own learning process. 趋向以一种高人一等的态度对待其他英语学习者(或者学习自己语言的人)是愚蠢的,这种人已经忘记了什么是学习,因为他们再也联系不到他们自己的学习过程了。 Cultural Understanding: You can know everything about grammar, but that doesn’t mean you are fluent. You need to be constantly connected to the source of the language (culture) so that it flows from who you really are. 了解文化:你对语法了解甚广,但这并不意味着你的口语很流利。你需要把语言的本源(文化)联系起来,这样你才能自然地讲出这门语言。 So there you have it, 7 things not to do when speaking English. Now that you know what not to do, go out there and speak English! 现在你知道了说英语的“7不”法则。知道了什么不能做,就放开说英语吧。 相关推荐:初中生如何听懂新闻英语 点击查看更多信息 (责任编辑:admin) |